Would you like to hide your private massage in you phone or you don't want to some one see your secret massage when your very important person send you?

Receiving private messages is one thing, keeping it safe and secured is another deal. Most individual are fund of exposing their private messages to public.

 Do you know that your account security can be easily compromised if the number used in receiving bank notification aren’t secured? There are also several reasons we should keep our SMS private and secured.

Some people are using Internet which is they use their phone to send money from their account to some one or receive alert from their account information, don't you want to secure all this from some one that you didn't believe or when your phone is lost try to lock your massage in other to protect your secret massage.

Recently, I came across a new method to keeping private messages locked out from eye prying, and unlike every other method, this method seems to work perfectly and gives your SMS the maximum security. With the help of the application I’ll be revealing, you stand a chance to hide all your private messages from eye prying.

So what’s this application name?

The application name is codenamed “Message Lock aka SMS lock”. However, the app is compatible on all android devices and it comes with a very high rating. Let me quickly make a brief description about the message& SMS lock app.

About Message & SMS Lock

The Message lock aka SMS lock application is a light tool that is developed for special purpose which is protecting your personal messages. Maybe, you’re the kind of person that lends your device to friends to play games, listen to music, watch movies or whatsoever, and you wish to keep them locked out from going through your personal messages, then it’s advised you make use of Message & SMS lock.

With this light tool, you can easily gain full privacy protection on your messages and lock patterns is also made available on Message & SMS lock tool.

One of the most recent features on Message & SMS lock app is the fingerprint enabled features which is made available for fingerprint enabled devices like the Galaxy devices with fingerprint scanner. It also comes with an outstanding locking engine and password retrieval is possible.

What you waiting for? Keep your private messages using Message lock aka SMS lock application. You can get the app from Google play store Or any other application store that you know, you can also download it there If you got any related issue, feel free to let me know via comment section. Don’t forget to share this info with friends.
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